Before we had reached the Golden Gate we acted like some great happy family, eager to enjoy every minute. After we stopped waving our tired arms to the crowds of friends on the docks and the last bouquet aimed at the Mayor's tug had landed in the bay, small groups, with radiant faces, discussed what do you suppose? No, not the crossing of the Bar, but the opening of the ship's bar. As you know, Uncle Sam seems to consider the dry law impossible on the water. We were all saying that @San @Francisco's farewell made us proud to belong to such a city, when @M.A. @Gale told us that he wanted to add a word of praise for one of San Francisco's traffic officers, who let him by when he made a speedy trip for some valuables left behind, which had just been missed at the last moment. But, do you remember who was the last passenger? She was nervous and fidgety ever since she came on board, too. None other than @Bulah, the handsome mare bound for @Yokohama. It was worth going through the steerage to watch her enjoy one of our "eleven o'clock" apples. When the lunch gong sounded, we all went below (doesn't that sound real nautical?) to try and get settled in our home for the next three months.